Monster Legends Competitive Wiki

Brontes thinks he's special and superior for being the only three-eyed cyclops. The thing is that, at least in this case, more eyes doesn't mean more brains. He is a brute with uncontrollable physical strength.

Role: Denier


Brontes is an Earth denier who specializes in stunning. However, he has extremely low speed, his relics slots fit more on a tank, his trait is bad, and he can't chain deny. He also has very high cooldowns, is easily denied, and has no PER or Trait Disable.


  • Access to Mega Stun
  • Big shields
  • Has a decent 0 CD move


  • Bad stats and trait (especially his atrocious speed, which hurts his denying potential)
  • High cooldowns
  • Odd relic slots for a denier
  • Incapable of holding a chain deny

Recommended Moveset

Big Stun Energy

  • Area Rockslide (AoE 35 Earth dmg + Stun, 37s, 4 CD)
  • Mega Rockslide (35 Earth dmg + Mega Stun, 28s, 3 CD)
  • Ancient Shield Earthquake (50 Earth dmg + self 50% Shield, 27s, 4 CD)
  • Angular Mace (45 Special dmg + Daze, 28s, 0 CD)

This moveset contains many stun moves. Area Rockslide is a good immobilizing move that can stun all foes. Mega Rockslide can Mega Stun an enemy for 2 turns. Angular Mace is your 0 CD skill that applies Daze. Ancient Shield Earthquake is your move that makes use of Brontes' high life and applies a 50% shield to himself while also dealing serious Earth damage.

Recommended Runes: 3 Speed

Recommended Relics: Mantis Claws Trap, Nabuline's Trap; Thetys' Armor

